
Tewin Cowper

CofE Primary School

Small School Big Dreams

SIAMS Report

The principal objective of SIAMS inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school. The inspector makes an overall judgment in response to the question: 'How effective is the school's distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?'

Additional judgments are made on 'The impact of collective worship' and 'The effectiveness of religious education'.


Our school was inspected in December 2019 and we are very proud of our report, grading us 'good' overall, 'excellent' on the impact of collective worship and 'good' for the effectiveness of R.E.


“Worship is excellent and enriches the lives of pupils and staff.  Pupils evaluate its impact on them and leaders use this information to ensure that worship is always appropriate and meaningful."


"The new R.E. leader has had considerable impact in improving outcomes and developing children's opportunities to ask deep questions and discuss one another's differing views."


"Pupils' behaviour is exemplary and they talk about the ways in which their behaviour reflects the school's core Christian values.  They show much compassion for those who are less fortunate."


Please see below for a copy of the inspection report.

