
Tewin Cowper

CofE Primary School

Small School Big Dreams


The behaviour of our children is excellent. We encourage and expect all our children to show care, courtesy and consideration at all times. Praise and encouragement are used to promote and maintain a positive and happy atmosphere in school. Our positive behaviour strategies are embedded in all areas of school life, and reflect our Christian values of honesty, trust, tolerance, fairness and forgiveness.


The best results in terms of promoting positive behaviour arise from emphasising potential, rewarding success and giving praise for effort and achievement. It is the responsibility of parents and carers to work with the school in helping to foster positive attitudes and behaviour. We believe that good behaviour means that everyone in school is;

· Careful and kind

· Polite and friendly

· Helpful to each other

· Hardworking

· Respectful and tolerant

We expect every child in school to follow our four simple Golden Expectations for a safe and happy school.


Parents and carers will be invited to discuss situations where children's behaviour becomes unacceptable or is causing concern.


Please refer to our Home School Agreement attached below.


Recognising positive behaviour

We recognise and celebrate positive behaviour and attitudes at all times around the school through informal praise. Wherever appropriate, children’s best efforts will be celebrated through display and performance. Each teacher will have their own system of class rewards.

Rewards may include the following:

  • Verbal praise and smiling at children

  • Verbal or written praise to parents about their child

  • A simple word of thanks

  • Stickers or smiley face

  • Written comments in books

  • Sending the child to another teacher for praise.

  • Send the child and class work to the Head Teacher for a Head Teacher’s award

  • Individual or Group Prizes

  • House Points


Playground Buddies

In recognition of their senior position in school and to help foster self-discipline and a sense of responsibility, the year 6 pupils are encouraged to be Playground Helpers. As a Helper, Year 6 pupils undertake various roles, playing positively with younger children.


House Points, House Captains and Vice Captains

Our school has a house points system which fosters a sense of belonging and identity on our school. Children are divided in to one of four Houses:

smiley Walter (blue)

smiley Applegate (green)

smiley Cowper (yellow)

smiley Watson (red)

House Points are awarded for exceptional behaviour and sporting achievements. House Points are totalled each Term and the house cup is awarded to the winning house in Celebration Assembly.

Home School Agreement

When your child starts school we take a moment to formally reflect on the partnership that will be built between home and school. Parents are asked to sign this home school agreement so that expectations and responsibilities are clear and that the partnership will be happy, open and have your child’s best interests at heart at all times!
