
Tewin Cowper

CofE Primary School

Small School Big Dreams

Late/Absence Procedures

Children love coming to school and we work hard to build resilience and positive attitudes.


Children may only miss school for a good reason. It is reasonable for your child to be absent because of:

  • Illness
  • Dental or medical appointments
  • Family bereavement
  • Religious observance

It is important that we have direct communication from parents or carers to explain an absence. We cannot accept a child’s explanation.


Please make every effort to keep in touch by whatever means suits you best. You can email or call the office from 8am to explain an absence. Please leave an answerphone message it you are calling out of hours. If we don’t hear from you, we will get in touch. If no reason for absence has been given, you will be contacted promptly by the Headteacher and it may be followed up by the school’s Education Welfare Officer.


Holidays within the school term should be avoided; if they must be taken, prior permission must be sought from the Headteacher. Similarly, if there are special circumstances for missing school, it is important to make a request to the headteacher.


Please telephone the school before 9am if your child is to be late for any reason such as a dental appointment. If your child is late for school you must report to the school office. adds up!

Being 15 minutes late for school every day adds up to 2 weeks of missed school a year!





