
Tewin Cowper

CofE Primary School

Small School Big Dreams

Mental Health and Well-Being

Mental Health and Wellbeing Parent Information Evening - 9th February 2023

***If you’re a child or young person in a Mental Health Crisis***


The NHS and our local hospitals are really busy at the moment, so if you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, the quickest way to get help at any time of the day or night is to call the freephone number: 0800 6444 101, or call NHS 111 and select option 2 for mental health services. 


In the case of serious illness or injury, dial 999 for emergency services.

***Schools and Families Advice Line  (SFAL)***
The ‘Schools and Families Advice Line’ (SFAL) is a new service established to provide emotional wellbeing advice and early help to children and young people, school staff and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be really worrying when you, or someone you know is going through a difficult time. If you feel this service could help, please call our Single Point of Access (SPA) who will take your details before passing them onto our call back service. 
Contact Details:  
Telephone: 0300 777 0707  


For more information see the document below titled "Schools and Families Advice Line (SFAL) comms V1.1 HCT approved 30-4-2020 LG edits"
