
Tewin Cowper

CofE Primary School

Small School Big Dreams


Welcome to the PTA section


Tewin Cowper Primary is fortunate to have a committed and hardworking PTA which works enthusiastically throughout the year to organise a range of events. Whilst many of the activities help to raise additional and much - valued funds for the school, the PTA also plays a significant role in providing social events for our children and families.


As a parent of our school, you are automatically a member of the PTA and are warmly invited to come along to one of our informal meetings. We appreciate that time is precious, but being involved in the PTA is not a full time job, it doesn't matter if you can't attend every meeting however new faces bring new ideas! The offering of help before and during events is so valuable, but should you wish to commit a little more time you could always become a general member and take on a regular responsibility.

Regular events in the PTA calendar include: Fireworks Night, Easter Egg Hunt and school disco’s.


Each year, the PTA is able to make significant purchases for the benefit of children throughout the school. For many years the PTA has raised thousands of pounds to improve the school facilities for the children. The PTA has helped fund many things over the years from basic classroom resources to new playground equipment: more recently new dining tables and chairs and visualisers for each classroom, an extremely effective teaching tool, Science week, a whole school trip to the panto and much more. Future plans will include WiFi cameras and more playground equipment.

If you feel that you cannot spare any time to help with events, as we are all hard working, busy people, you could consider helping by giving a monthly donation to our SOS scheme (Support Our School). This would be a regular confidential, monthly donation to the school, which would go towards ensuring that your children get the most possible out of their primary school journey, especially in these times of budget cuts for many schools.


Our current PTA officers are:

Co-Chair: Kay Adam-Smith and Katie Florez

Co-Treasurer: Kerrie Charles and Louise Barua (Need replacements ASAP)

Secretary: Keeley Will

Committee Member: Kelly Fairhall
