Reading Workshops
Every few weeks at Tewin Cowper we run a reading workshop for Reception, year 1 and year 2. This is an opportunity for parents, carers and extended family to come in to the classrooms and just enjoy reading for pleasure. You can bring your own books or enjoy many of the wonderful books we have in school. We run these on different dates and times to try to accommodate different working hours.
This year's dates are as follows:
Wednesday 9th October 2.45-3.15pm
Tuesday 3rd December 8.35-9.05am
Thursday 6th February 2.45-3.15pm
Friday 28th March 8.35-9.05am
Monday 19th May 2.45-3.15pm
Wednesday 2nd July 8.35-9.05am
Please come and join us and love reading with the children!